Please feel free to leave comments on the blog. I just realized today that they are there. So thanks for commenting Aunt Lora, Cousin Sarah, Jordan, and person from cyberspace with Peace Corps questions. As things progress and we actually leave the country it will be nice to know folks are checking in, and it may motivate us to write more if people act interested. Remember that comments can be read by anyone as this "blog" thing is completely public and can be accessed by anyone with internet, sort of like overseas phone calls these days......someone is listening.
Anyhow, in an attempt to encourage people to "comment" I have a trivia question... it is agriculturally related. The questions requires that you download google earth Download google earth, zoom to Honduras, now go to the very southwest corner where the border with Nicaragua meets the pacific Ocean. You can see here a series of man made structures (they look like ponds or irrigated fields). The question is what are they?? Leave your answer via "comment". Two hints: it is agriculture and I found the answer in the latest issue of National Geographic.