January 23, 2007


Well the 4runner no longer exists to me. I sold it this afternoon, I had delusions of driving that truck until either I or the truck exploded. It was a good vehicle, and I would guess my overall transportation costs were pretty reasonable for the years i owned it. I never quite trusted the thing to go farther than i could see, but it only once stranded me and I never did figure out how or what managed to cut all three belts and puncture the radiator, so that maybe wasn't the Toyota's fault. And I figure i can find one for pretty cheap when i return to the states....unless we are forced to drive E85, I am not sure an old Toyota will convert easily.

20 days until we fly out of CR for Honduras.



Unknown said...

I'm somewhat disappointed that the Toyota sold. I had $100 earmarked for a 5 p.m. Friday offer on it.

Pero tienen muchas otras cosas que puedo comprar este viernes. Ojala que son buenas y baratas. Lo dudo.

Just giving you a test on your spanish prior to departure.

John Leonard said...

Hi Guys,
My fiance and I just applied to the Peace Corps a couple of days ago. Now I've been obsessively checking out people's Peace Corps Blogs. I was wondering if I could ask you guys some questions about the application process. Specifically, how strict are the language requirements for Latin America? Is the application process any more difficult for married couples? Is the Health Screening a major pain in the ass?My email address is jpleonard2000@yahoo.com. I'll continue reading your blog after you've been deployed. Good Luck!