April 14, 2007

my FBT site

hello everyone. I am going to attempt to post some pictures from my FBT site as Annie seems to be posting a lot of pictures and I am getting behind. I am currently in La Paz visiting Annie and I ran to the internet to check email while she works on a paper she is writing.
here goes with picture posting, i have tried this a few times from my site and the internet just can't handle pictures.

above is a picture of the iglesia, built in 1809.

This is the street I live on. The green garage door behind the lamp post on the left hand side of the street is my home.

The left door is the shitter and the right door is the shower. There is a toilet that you flush with a bucket. In the shower is a 35 gallon drum that I take my showers out of. Really a pretty comfortable and clean set up.

This picture may be hard to see. It is the "stream" that runs behind the house. The pvc pipe coming out of the wall is our sewer pipe. Not a very good set up, all of the raw sewage from the city finds its way to this waterway, our sewage just gets there really quickly, and the stream meanders its way through town for all to see and smell. here is a picture of the back yard. Its pretty nice and the yard is raised above the sewage which is a much nicer set up than many people in town. The building on the left is where the family butchers hogs and also makes nacatamales to sell.

So there is a little insight in to where I have been staying. In a week and half Annie and I will have a new site for the next 2 years.

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