February 14, 2007


welp, we will get to see the capital city, our capital city that is. We will be in DC until this weekend and head down to Honduras in a number of groups on Saturday and Sunday. Finding 50 seats to Honduras on short notice is tough I guess. So everyone gets to read more blogs from us. Annie did a good job of explaining what the our time will be like in country at first. I am hoping they don't cut short our training though, I am looking forward to the technical training, and I need all the spanish instruction I can get. We are going to take in the sites tommorow and visit a few museums and tonight grab a beer with a few of the other volunteers. Should be just fine really. The delay also gives me a little time to recover from a cold I can't quite shake, we also will be flying into San Pedro Sula now and not Teguc, and we will get a 3 hour bus ride to orient ourselves to the Honduran countryside (lookin on the bright side).

Stay tuned,



saleh said...

Luke&Annie,I am so glad to contact you again and happy valentine day.I think the best things you have to have during the traveling days and depend on my traveling experience from Saudi Arabia to U.S are that having fun and patience.Be sure,evrey one how you left back you even mooss,will be happy if you are.Just think forwared and good luke in your new great duty.

Anonymous said...

i just thought i'd check up on you guys...glad to hear things are going smoothly! haha.
that's cool that you get a 3 hour bus ride. it'll cut your ties to luxury for sure.
you guys'll do great.