February 26, 2007

Pics (see blog below pics for weekend events)

Luke and I in the back of our family´s pickup truck on Saturday
when they were showing us the nearby mountain and views of Teguc

The patio in front of our host family´s home

Street in SL on the way to training


Chris Bauer said...

Sounds like your having a great time so far. Your food sounds a lot better then the average frozen pizzas, mac and cheese, and cerial that I live off of during the week.

I love the blogs and check them every morning when I get to the office. Take care and good luck with the language Luke.


dlcurren said...

I hope you don't mind a stranger following your adventure. I'm so jealous and eager to hear about your escapades in Honduras. Thanks for sharing with me/us.

Jason H said...

Sounds like more like paradise down south. Sally and I are keeping a close eye on your blog.

Hope you guys are having fun!!

katie said...

Luke and Annie, I'm so happy to hear that your host family is taking such great care of you! It sounds like the both of you are enjoying your time there and can't wait to hear more about your experiences!

Take Care,

saleh said...

So nice pictures,it takes me back to 1998 when I was in similler city in Indonesia. I like it so much and I hope you enjoy with your new simple life as what I did in Indonesia.
Take care,both.